Posting on LinkedIn: No More Confusion, Just Confidence!

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LinkedIn, the platform where careers meet social media, can feel like uncharted territory when it comes to posting. Unsure what’s too casual or overly professional? You’re not alone. Let’s tackle this together with three simple tips to boost your confidence and find your posting groove.

First things first, why are you posting? Whether it’s connecting with potential employers, networking with old and new friends, or seeking advice on career decisions, all reasons are valid. Let’s dive into how you can make the most of each:

A young male looking confused at his phone in the city.

Observe and Learn:

Take a peek at posts that catch your eye. Notice the tone and style of those you admire. While copying isn’t the aim, you can draw inspiration for what content resonates with you and reflects your personality.

It's Not Just About Achievements:

You don’t need to be winning awards to share on LinkedIn. You can repost content from people or companies you admire, add your thoughts, share a funny work-related meme, or express gratitude for your workplace. If you’re job hunting, talk about companies you admire and why.
LinkedIn Profile on a mobile device

Start Networking:

If networking feels daunting, know you’re not alone. Post about wanting to connect with colleagues and friends in your industry. You’ll be surprised how many others are in the same boat, eager to expand their networks
Remember, building engagement takes time, especially if you’re new. Connect with old friends, coworkers, bosses, classmates, and local contacts. Your willingness to engage is key. In a nutshell, LinkedIn is what you make of it. Stay authentic, explore different approaches, and keep engaging. You’ve got this!