How to Message a Recruiter on LinkedIn [3+ Templates]


It’s common to be a little hesitant when it comes to interacting in a professional environment. Oftentimes, people wonder what is acceptable and then never end up taking action because they don’t know any better. This article will walk through all the steps to craft a message to a recruiter on LinkedIn so you aren’t left wondering what to do!

Before you contact recruiters, you should make sure that you have a complete and updated LinkedIn profile. If you need LinkedIn profile optimization advice, here are some of Hire Integrated’s top LinkedIn tips. Once you have a complete profile, then you’re ready to get in contact with some recruiters!

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How To Message a Recruiter on LinkedIn – The Essential Questions

Below is a holistic view on how to contact recruiters, broken down into the crucial questions that you might have as you work on reaching out on LinkedIn. Be sure to follow along carefully and take notes if you need to.

Should I Message a Recruiter on LinkedIn?

When it comes to messaging a recruiter, you do not need to fear. You can message recruiters on LinkedIn. In fact, you should reach out to them! If you are looking to join a company, have questions regarding a position, or are looking to network then they are a great resource to turn to.

How Do I Connect with Recruiters on LinkedIn?

Connecting with recruiters on LinkedIn can be broken down into two simple steps:

1. Find the Right People

Before connecting, you need to find the most beneficial recruiters to connect to. Ensure that the recruiter is in your industry or at a company you are interested in. Ideally, the recruiter would be in your industry and at a company you are interested in. This can give you a great foot in the door to help you in your job-hunting efforts.

2. Craft a Connection Invitation Message

Once you know who you want to connect with, then you need to figure out what to say to them. Luckily, you won’t have to say much. LinkedIn has a 300-character limit on connection invitation messages, meaning that you have to be careful with every word you pick.

Be sure to explain your reason for wanting to connect with them, mention any similarities in background/interests (if applicable), and include a call to action. Your call to action will most likely be asking them to connect with you.

Generally, it’s best to keep your big questions until the recruiter has already connected with you. Oftentimes, people do not pay close attention to a connection invitation message. For that reason, hold off on your questions until you’ve established the connection.

If anything is still unclear, these examples should help. Check out these sample messages below:

Initial Connection Invitation Message Templates

Hi [name]! I saw that you work for [company]. I just wanted to reach out to you because I am looking for new opportunities. I’d love to connect and chat more.

Hey [name]! I saw you’re also a graduate from [college name]. I saw you recruit for [your position/industry] and wanted to see if I’m a good fit for any of your openings. Let’s connect.

Hi [name]. My name is [name] and I’m a [job title]. I’m looking to make some new connections and find new opportunities in the [industry name] industry. Let’s connect!

What To Say to a Recruiter on LinkedIn?

Once you’ve successfully made the connection, then the next crucial step is to know how to message a recruiter on LinkedIn.

Before crafting your message, you need to know what your objective for reaching out to them is. Are you inquiring about a specific position, checking if they have any openings, doing general networking, or asking about internships? Figure out your reason for contacting them since this will dictate your approach in messaging them.

Similar to the connection invitation message, you should explain why you are messaging them, mention any similarities you might have, and include a call to action. Unlike a connection message, you are not limited to 300 characters. This doesn’t mean that you should write a novel in your message, but you do have more flexibility in what you can say.

Here are the key components when messaging a recruiter:

  • Greet and address them by name
  • Thank them for connecting
  • Explain why you are messaging them
  • Add your call to action/request for help
  • Close by thanking them again
  • Include a resume/CV (optional)

If you are polite and include all these elements, you can’t go wrong when crafting your message. Always be respectful and courteous when interacting with recruiters and other professionals. Being inconsiderate or demanding could really come back to bite you later in your career. 

Below are a handful of example messages to recruiters. As a reminder, it would be wise to adjust and personalize these messages to your situation to make them more genuine and get a better response rate. Most of the time, people can tell if a message was copied and pasted. Be sure to be sincere with each of your interactions!

Message to Recruiters on LinkedIn Templates

General Outreach

Hi [name]. Thanks for connecting! I’m working to advance my career in the [industry/sector name] sector. Would you mind checking out my LinkedIn profile and the attached resume to see if I’d be a fit for any of your current openings?

Thanks, [name]


Dear [name], I’m a student at [university name] studying [major]. I’m looking to develop my professional skillset this summer and gain experience in the [industry name] industry. Do you have any internship openings for this summer?

I’ve attached my resume for you to reference. I look forward to hearing back from you!

Here is my contact information:


Sincerely, [name]

Specific Position

Hi [name]! Last week I saw an open position on your company’s LinkedIn page. When I went to apply for the position today, I was no longer able to see the position listed. I wanted to check and see if you were still hiring for that position or if you had any similar openings.

Looking forward to chatting more.

Thanks, [name]

Wrapping Up – How To Message a Recruiter on LinkedIn

Hopefully this guide has made the process of messaging a recruiter seem less daunting and confusing. It’s simpler than you think! Once you get over writing the first message then it all gets much easier and more natural after that.

In search of more career advice? Hire Integrated’s blog is full of useful job hunt tips and tricks. Check it out.

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